
Aaahhh spring… the time for cleaning, decluttering, and taking off your pants
There’s this other thing that I seem to do in spring; turn into that cleaning/domestic crazy again (remember when I talked about trying to be Martha Stewart? Yeah… we’re heading back...
Aaahhh spring… the time for cleaning, decluttering, and taking off your pants
There’s this other thing that I seem to do in spring; turn into that cleaning/domestic crazy again (remember when I talked about trying to be Martha Stewart? Yeah… we’re heading back...

Winter does NOT Spark Joy!
Marie Kondo says to get rid of anything that doesn’t spark joy. I tried that and the neighbours called the cops. Apparently, it’s ‘frowned on’ to put your husband and...
Winter does NOT Spark Joy!
Marie Kondo says to get rid of anything that doesn’t spark joy. I tried that and the neighbours called the cops. Apparently, it’s ‘frowned on’ to put your husband and...
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